BabyFetus Ticker

Monday, 8 August 2011

Something to share...

We are thrilled to share with our wonderful family and friends that we have a baby on the way! This announcement has been sitting in my drafts on this blog since 4 weeks and I have been busting to tell as you can imagine, but we thought it best to just check everything was OK before blabbing. Which, glory to God, it is and believe me, we will keep you very updated. We have been blessed with such joy and peace in this pregnancy and we can feel God’s hand over it so tangibly.

When we said goodbye to little Emmanuel, it was the hardest thing we have ever had to do. We knew that while God was refining us like silver (Psalm 66.10), He had bigger plans that were better for us than our ideas. He sometimes uses events like we experienced to reveal things. One of the things He revealed through surgery after the delivery of Emmanuel, was the weird shape of my uterus. It’s called a bicornuate uterus (or a heart shaped womb – when the consultant told me this, I swooned and thought it must be prophetic. Hahaha!) Instead of it being pear shaped, it’s shaped slightly like a rams head, with two horn shaped bits at the top so the success of pregnancies is purely dependant on where the baby implants. There's nothing that can be done as it's congenital BUT God overrules. Always. Just as He has shown this year.

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