BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

10 weeks...

We're getting there! Two weeks to go until we begin the second trimester. Or unless you are writing the Bounty pack book that I just got in my pack, three weeks and six days. Stoopid.

This is a link to a fantastic website which I have directed you to previously. It has all the weeks videoed in utero. Astonishing really. Apparently, between 9 and 10 weeks, there is a growth spurt which increases the baby's body weight by a whopping 75%.

Measuring 2.7-3.5cm our baby has reached the point this week beyond which most birth defects that can affect major organs would occur. From now on Nugget's main occupation will be growing and gaining weight. He currently weighs 3-4g! Yet he can exercise his arms and legs already and all the webbing has gone from his fingers. His eyelids are now formed, although they'll soon fuse shut and remain that way until some time between weeks 25 and 27. His sexual organs are now complete, as are his ears and upper lip. 

It's weird knowing that it's already a boy or a girl. Fascinating.

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