That's weird. Where did this week go!? Must've been asleep for most of it! And also...
There's only 20 weeks left of my pregnancy! Oh wowza.
This week our little wonder is growing his own unique fingerprints! His organs are maturing and he's plumping up, so his overall growth rate has slowed as his energy is used in this new direction. He, apparently, according to baby websites, weighs about 260g now (but who knows with this Nugget!?) and measures around 15-17from crown to rump (or about the height of a standard can of beer!). Changes in the digestive system mean that our baby can now start to take in some amniotic fluid, which can set off bouts of hiccups.
Now, I don't remember this at all in my pregnancy with Josiah and obviously not in my last one as I didn't get this far, but I cannot describe how tired I am. I appreciate that I have Josiah to run around after now but he has a good nap (which admittedly I don't always take advantage of) and it's not like we have a manic life. I did read that there's no way you can take in all the minerals and vitamins you need in pregnancy without overeating so I guess I should probably stock up on some iron. Example; Wednesday night, I had to excuse myself from group and was in bed at 7:30pm (not before asking John to come home early from work because I couldn't stay awake, however much I tried), I slept from 8pm til 7am and still woke up feeling like I needed another five or so hours. This little one must really be doing a lot of growing!