BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

How low can you go...

I was going to put a picture of a wrist up here, but I decided that wouldn't be very loving to my husband.

I have very low blood pressure. Only in pregnancy does it get lower than usual and I conveniently keep forgetting this fact. So when I come over all woozy and nauseous, I wonder why, panic-strickenly (yes, another made-up word) ring my mum and ask her if I've got pre-eclampsia, she asks how much I've drunk today. Then I tell her, 'oh about two cups of teas and a glass of water'. There is your answer. Drinking increases your blood volume which is why if you do have low blood pressure, you are encouraged to drink regularly. 

In fact, after I came out of surgery in April, my blood pressure fluctuated up and down so much in the space of two hours (every reading had a difference of, on average, 8) and at one point got so low, I passed out. Thankfully, I was lying down. 

I'd rather this than high blood pressure so it's a blessing in disguise!

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