BabyFetus Ticker

Saturday, 4 February 2012

30 weeks...

I have 70 days to go or 10 weeks left! Oh wowza. Weirdness.

I'm feeling very pregnant now. This boy child within me is moving constantly which is highly lovely, albeit sometimes slightly uncomfortable. I believe he has now turned around so is head down or just grown so big it feels different when he kicks! But I'm definitely feeling kicks under my ribs rather than a head shoved underneath!

He is about 40cm top to toe and currently won't be able to feel temperature or pain yet as his nerve endings are still maturing. Something I never knew. It's so strange to think we're going to have TWO children. Thankfully, Josiah is completely fascinated by the idea of a baby in my tummy and always wants to involve the baby in what he's doing. Which is just lovely and very reassuring. I have been very emotional this week, very, very emotional I mean. Daft stuff. Hormones.

Today at the prayer meeting, I was praying for my boys and started praying for the Holy Spirit. As I did so, the baby (who was very quiet for a majority of the time beforehand) suddenly sprang into action and created the most incredible shapes in my tummy, as soon as I finished he stopped. I love that this one loves God just as much as his big brother.

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