BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Quite pregnant...

I don't appear to have updated this blog in a long while. I've been alternating between sleeping in the afternoons with Josiah or feeling so rough I want to curl up and die. Not literally obviously, that would be a bit much. 

As the title says, I'm quite pregnant now. Quite ready for Junior to make his appearance, Quite fed up of only sleeping four hours per night and my hips/legs being so painful I regret getting down to do a floor puzzle with Josiah! You get the picture.

Still, I am really loving carrying this little one. If he was born at any point before 37 weeks, he may well have difficulty feeding (something to do with their sucking reflex). In the meantime, he's busy weeing into the amniotic fluid, sometimes up to a pint I hear! The placenta reaches maturity at this stage and now starts to age. It's not a pretty product at the best of times.But it still supports the baby until I go over my due date. which I'm seriously hoping will NOT happen. No, no. Interestingly, the baby can tell when I move into a bright room/dark room now and will wriggle around accordingly. He does seem all limbs this one though the scan reports have always followed his big brothers curve with regards to averages! I.e. large head, large tummy, short legs!! Bless our boys.

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