BabyFetus Ticker

Saturday, 22 October 2011

15 weeks...

No, I have no idea what a navel orange is either? Attractive sounding as it is.

So, fifteen weeks! Time has suddenly sped up. My tummy has grown two inches in two weeks. There's a piece of trivia you always wanted to know. The past week has brought much joy but also some discomfort in that my legs/hips are extremely painful right now. It varies day to day though certain positions have me howling in pain. Like tonight, I lay on the sofa so we could hear Nuggets heartbeat (which lovely and strong! All the while they were trying to bat away the doppler with what I can only imagine was an actual cricket bat) and almost cried trying to get up. John is currently acting as carer, bless his heart. Still haven't booked physio, I will get there this week! Mrs Bloom tells me it's not my coccyx as previously thought but something that sounds a lot like sacrilegious. I don't remember. Still. So that will be sorted but an item for prayer as usual.

Funny moment at the cervical scan yesterday; on the report the sonographer had measured the baby's limbs etc and noted FL (fetal length): 14mm HC (head circumference): 104mm (or something to that effect). I grew ever concerned and rang him after my appointment. He laughed and claimed that after 13 weeks, they stop measuring the fetal length and instead measure the femur length. So I am not growing a teeny tiny baby with a freakishly large head but a well proportioned Nugget who is about 10cm long right now (crown to rump). Our tiny tenant frequently gets the hiccups, which babies learn to do before breathing. Babies don't make any sound because their windpipe (trachea) is filled with fluid rather than air. 

Growing very strong and sounding very happy, God is doing wondrous things in my tummy!

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