BabyFetus Ticker

Saturday, 15 October 2011


We have chosen our names! The name we were initially going to go for, should we have a little boy, is now up for grabs again. We decided that even though the meaning of Elijah was beautiful, we would have called them Eli for short and the connotations aren't great to be honest. Most people choose names because they sound nice, and I originally did too. But since having Josiah, I've realised the importance that your name has in your life. You are who your name is essentially. Josiah means 'fire of the Lord' which we thought was pretty awesome. And he came out with red hair. And he loves to worship. His whole demeanour changes when he does. And he loves being around prayer. Coincidence? I think not.

I'm not going to announce the names on here until the baby is actually born, obviously. But you can have the meanings and try and work it out yourself. Our girls first name means 'from the house of God' and their second name means 'mother of all nations'. The boys first name means 'God has remembered' and their second name is a short variation of a name which means 'let God be praised'.

Happy researching. Ha ha ha.

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