BabyFetus Ticker

Friday, 27 January 2012

29 weeks...

So our scrummy little boy no.2 is weighing just over 2lbs right now! And it feels like it. I feel SO immensely uncomfortable, but I'm not entirely sure if he changed position last night. I was on my side for most of the night, then rolled onto my back to find his bum sticking in the air! But it could've been his head...who knows!? It easily could've been either. Especially with the genes of his father and brother. 

I am getting very excited about having a house full of boys (including the Daddy Man). I especially look forward to the time when the boys are playing up and I can say, 'BOYS! ENOUGH!'. Always wanted to do that.

I've had no leg cramps and no pregnancy complaints to moan about, aside from the fact I'm really uncomfortable currently! And my lower back/hips/thighs (I can't tell where the pain is!!). We have a nice healthy baby (who's head, I noticed in all my scan reports is slightly above average. My mother thinks this is  hilariously funny.) who kicks for England (I imagine his father hopes this is literal) and already brings much joy to our family. There isn't a day which goes by without Josiah giving my ginormous bump a very loving cuddle and kiss.

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