BabyFetus Ticker

Friday, 27 January 2012


I had my glucose tolerance test today. Not yesterday, despite what my brain was telling me. Honestly, what a ditz! Could happen to anyone I suppose but really. For those who don't know, I turned up at the hospital after a military style operation (ish) to get Josiah to Allsorts et cetera et cetera only to find it was actually for today. So today, my fabulous FIL came to look after his second grandson and I sauntered off into the cold morning. 

So I arrived, had an initial blood test (apparently, my veins have returned to their normal state finally! After Emmanuel, all my veins had totally collapsed and it was impossible to get any blood whatsoever from my arms. Even for months afterwards, including my blood tests at the beginning of this pregnancy! But they are back. With avengance) then had to drink this nasty gloopy stuff which tasted pretty much like very cheap orange juice, waited an hour, came and had some more blood taken, waited another hour and then had my last lot of blood taken. A very boring story I'm afraid but very glad it's over and done with now! I get the results in 3-4 working days though knowing the PRUH phlebotomy, I'll leave it about 8 working days. Not like they do any of the work for goodness sakes, have they never seen House?

Clearly not.

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